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When Your Teen is in the Wrong Crowd

Wrong CrowdIf you swim with the sharks, you’re bound to get bitOne bad apple spoils the whole bushel.  Bad company corrupts good character.  Many parents have added these phrases to their lexicon, because they illustrate the dangers of running with the “wrong crowd”. As moms and dads, we know how susceptible kids are to peer influence.  You’ve likely spent many sleepless nights worrying about the people your child is hanging around.  What are they teaching my son?  What are they pressuring my daughter to do?  Are these friends that will give needed support and encouragement to my teen, or are they the type of people who will bring my child down?

These are valid concerns if you suspect your child is hanging out with the wrong crowd.  But let’s pause for a moment and ask just who is the “wrong crowd?”  Here’s a simple definition we can use:  The “wrong crowd” includes anyone who influences your child in ways that are contradictory to your values, systems, and beliefs as parents.

When parents observe changes in their teen and note the actions and attitudes of their friends, they may arrive at the conclusion, “my teen is in league with some bad seeds.”  When this happens, how do we gently guide our teens away from negative influences?  My advice may not be what you might expect.

Teach Your Kids 

As parents, part of our job is to protect our kids.  We try to shield them from negative influences as much as possible.  We’re not going to let our 12-year-old daughter hang around 18-year-old girls who smoke pot and sleep with their boyfriends.  We have to shield our child’s innocence until they are mature enough to make wise decisions on their own.  It would be foolish to let young children spend time with people who have serious hang-ups.  But at some point, we must stop protecting our kids and start preparing them to make wise choices when choosing friends.  If all we are doing is holding our kids back from this or that person, we are not equipping them to make smart decisions once they are free of our control.

While every child is different, here is a basic guideline for starting that relational training:

  • 0–13 years old:  Get to know and closely monitor your child’s friends.  If your son or daughter is running with the wrong crowd this early, change schools, move houses, or pull your child from certain activities.  At this age, they still need to have their innocence protected.
  • 14–17 years old:  Continue to monitor your child’s friends, but begin to slowly back off from controlling their relationships.  If you have concerns about the people they are spending time with, talk with your kids about the problems you see.  Also, set personal and family boundaries regarding the kind of behavior that is acceptable among friends and the kind that is not.
  • 18+ years old:  At this age, young people must be responsible for their own choices, including their choices in friends.  If they are living with you, they must follow the rules of the house.  But if they are on their own, all you can do is let them know you are available to talk and give advice if they ever feel they need it.

As you train your teen to use discernment when choosing friends, you can help them along by asking good questions.  For instance, you can ask, “I’m curious; would you ever drink and drive?  Do you know someone who has?  Did they think it was a good idea?  Do you?”  Or you can ask, “Has anyone offered you drugs?  What crossed your mind in that moment?”  These types of questions are effective because they help your child articulate their values, beliefs, and convictions.  And if they ever get into a situation similar to the one you have discussed, chances are they will remember, “Hey, I remember telling my mom (or dad) that I don’t believe in drinking and driving.  I’m going to pass.”  By asking good questions, you are helping your child build up those decision-making muscles that will serve them well, whether they have good friends or not.

Embrace the “Bad” Kids

We have welcomed more than 2,500 teens to the Heartlight campus over the years.  All of the teens that walk through our doors would generally be included in what most people consider, the “wrong crowd.”  But I love them all to death.  Despite the numerous kids who have come through our program, I have yet to meet a “bad kid.”  Now, I have met some strong-willed kids.  I have helped teens with deep-seated problems and issues.  But there isn’t one child who is beyond help.  As moms and dads, we may spend a lot of time avoiding the “bad kids” and encouraging our children to do the same.  But as Christians, we are called to minister to people in need.  And who needs a helping hand more than a teen who is hurtling off the tracks at 90 miles an hour?

I remember taking a group of my Heartlight kids to church one Sunday.  As our large group walked through the doors, I could feel the eyes turning in our direction and I could sense the shuffling in the seats.  The congregants knew I was coming with teens who carried a lot of baggage.  We sat in the back, and tried not to disrupt the service.  But my heart broke when the pastor starting talking about a mission trip to Africa and their upcoming service to an orphanage in that part of the world.  I felt like standing up and saying, “But there are kids RIGHT HERE who you need your compassion!”  I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with mission trips to Africa.  What I am saying is that there are kids who need to be the focus of our “mission” right here in all of our back yards.

Instead of running from the wrong crowd, let’s run towards them!  Turn your home into a safe, loving, and fun place where teens can hang out and interact.  Provide alternatives for your kids and their friends.  Invite them to watch a ball game.  Pack up enough supplies, and take a group fishing.  Let them set up their band in your garage.  Set aside a weekend, and go camping with your kids and their friends.  In this way, not only will you be providing a healthy outlet for teens to have fun, but they will be under your watch and protection.  Rather than cautioning your teen to side step the problem kids, take initiative and be the mentor, leader, or life coach they need.

Maybe your son or daughter has some friends with emotional, physical, or spiritual issues.  To pull away from these kids may mean we are running from the mission field God has for us!  The Proverbs 31 woman is a role model for all us.  God’s Word says that “she opens her hand to the poor and reaches out her hands to the needy” (Proverbs 31:20).  Are there hurting and needy kids in your teen’s circle of friends?  Open up your arms, and embrace that “wrong crowd.”

Be The Change 

When you began to read this article, you probably thought that I would offer some suggestions about how to avoid the wrong crowd.  Maybe you are a bit surprised at my approach to this topic.  But please hear me out; no matter where you go, where you live, or who you know—there will always be a “wrong crowd” to worry about.  So rather than spend all your time playing defense trying to block the bad kids from your teens, start playing the offense.  Start influencing the “bad kids” yourself.  And teach your teen to do the same.  In that way, you won’t avoid the wrong crowd, you will change them!


Mark Gregston is an author, speaker, radio host, and the founder and director of Heartlight, a counseling facility for struggling teens located in Longview, Texas. Check out our website, It’s filled with effective parenting ideas, helpful articles, and practical tools and resources for moms and dads. On this site, you can also download the Parenting Today’s Teens podcast, or find a radio station near you to listen to our broadcasts. You can also call us directly at 1-866-700-3264 to find out about any upcoming events.

Author: Mark Gregston

Mark Gregston began working with teens more than 40 years ago as a youth minister and Young Life director. He has authored nearly two dozen books, has written hundreds of articles, and is host of the nationally-acclaimed Parenting Today’s Teens podcast and radio broadcast.