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Families In Crisis

Hosted by Mark Gregston and Heartlight Ministries, Families in Crisis is a 3-day conference designed to provide the parents of difficult teens with many of the practical skills that we teach our own staff.

Is your teen spinning out of control?

Experience has taught us that crises seldom resolve on their own. That’s precisely why we have created the Families in Crisis Conference. We would like to invite you to join Heartlight’s founder, Mark Gregston, for a three-day event that will equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to guide your teenager back onto the right path.


Thursday – Saturday

  • March 20-22, 2025
  • July 24-26, 2025
  • September 25-27, 2025
  • November 13-15, 2025


Located at the beautiful Heartlight campus in Longview, Texas.



Who is the Families in Crisis Conference For?

This conference is designed specifically for the parents of struggling teens, not the teenagers themselves. While we strongly recommend both parents should attend if at all possible, we understand that’s not always possible and it is not required.

What can I expect to gain by attending?

You’ll come away with a more complete understanding of the daily steps needed to influence real change in your home. And you’ll gain a renewed sense of power, purpose, energy and confidence in dealing with your teenager.

Conference Schedule

Day 1

1:00pm  Welcome and Introductions
2:00pm  Session 1
3:30pm  Break
3:45pm  Session 2
5:00pm  Break
5:15pm   Small Group Session
6:00pm  Dinner at Heartlight

Day 2

8:30am  Coffee at the Conference Center
9:30am  Session 3
10:45am  Break
11:00am  Small Group Meeting #2
12:30pm  Lunch
2:00pm  Session 4
3:00pm  Break/Tour of Heartlight
4:15pm  Small Group Meeting #3
6:00pm  Dinner at Heartlight

Day 3

8:30am  Coffee at the Conference Center
9:00am  Small Group Session #4
10:30am  Session 5
11:30am  Closing

Core Session Topics

Andrea & Steven Richards
Andrea & Steven Richards
Seminar Participants
“We appreciated the genuine and honest approach Mark presented in parenting teens in today’s culture. The weekend conference gave us a sense of renewed hope to face the challenges ahead and to trust in the Lord to change our boys’ hearts towards Him. We both recognized that it was us as a couple that first needed to change and as we shared this with our sons one of them said, “Hey, I like this conference. Maybe you should go again!” Thanks for everything — it was a real help for us in many ways. It was a huge blessing.”
Tisha Anderson
Tisha Anderson
Seminar Participant
"I can't even begin to tell you how loved and cared for we felt by all of the staff. Truly you all are in our hearts and the ministry even more so. We do feel some hope for our relationship with our oldest son."
Seminar Participant
Seminar Participant
Senior Pastor, Dallas, TX
“Mark’s unique ability to connect with parents who are frustrated and defeated is truly a gift. Mark has his hand on the pulse of this generation of young people and offers biblical insight, godly counsel and practical steps to help parents and leaders alike. Families have been healed and lives have been changed as a result of his faithful witness and testimony. Mark is the real deal and will give you a new perspective when it comes to parenthood.”
Jake & Melissa Green
Jake & Melissa Green
Seminar Participants
I cannot thank you and everyone at Heartlight enough for our experience last weekend. Not only do we feel we now have some tools to start using to help our daughter, but we also feel that talking through things together, with other parents, and counselors helped strengthen our marriage. And, of course, it's hard not to love Mark Gregston.
Maria Bel Alfaro-Ontiveroz
Maria Bel Alfaro-Ontiveroz
Seminar Participant
"My husband and I attended this retreat and it changed our lives and the lives of our children. Things didn’t get perfect, but they did change and our family is stronger for it. This program–wow, tears just filled my eyes–not only repaired our relationships with our kids but with each other as well. We will forever be grateful that God lead us to Heartlight."

Mark Gregston

Author, National Radio Host, Founder of Heartlight

Layne Smith, LPC

Heartlight Director of Counseling

Courtney LaFleur, LPC

Counselor & Co-Host of Parenting Today’s Teens

Blake Nelson, LCCA

Executive Director of Heartlight

Hosted and Taught by Mark Gregston & the Heartlight Staff

The 3-day training conference is taught and hosted by Mark Gregston, author, national radio host and the Founder of Heartlight Ministries. Several Heartlight counselors and staff will also participate and facilitate small group sessions throughout the weekend.

Travel Information

American Eagle is the only carrier that services Longview Airport (GGG). If you wish to fly into a larger airport serviced by most airlines, Shreveport, Louisiana (SHV) is located 40 miles east, Tyler, TX (TYR) airport is 40 miles west, or Dallas, Texas (DFW or DAL) is a 2-hour drive west of the Heartlight campus.

In order to receive negotiated room rates for our event, be sure to use the phone numbers listed, and ask for the Heartlight rate when reserving your room. The hotels highlighted on the map are in close proximity.


How formal or casual is the event?

Feel free to come casual – Jeans, t-shirt, whatever you are comfortable in! The majority of the event is spent sitting in sessions with Mark or our counselors, so we recommend dressing comfortably.

What should I bring?

Most people like to bring something they can take notes on. When you arrive, you’ll be given a workbook, a small notebook and pen, but feel free to bring whatever you prefer to use.

Are scholarships available?

Yes, friends of our ministry have given gifts to help make it possible for single parents in economic difficulty to attend at a discounted rate. Please call us. If you would also like to help support this fund, please let us know or click here to give online.

What do we do with our children during this event?

This conference is designed specifically for the parents of struggling teens, not the teenagers themselves. Childcare is not provided and would need to be arranged by you prior to attending.

If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call.