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Tough Guys and Drama Queens



Kiss Old School Parenting Goodbye…

If you want to understand the impact today’s teen culture is having on your adolescent, you must begin by understand the world in which they live. In Tough Guys and Drama Queens, Mark unpacks the cultural influences that are affecting today’s teens and shares his perceptions about some old school parenting practices that are no longer effective in this ever-changing and shifting world of adolescence.

He doesn’t leave anyone hanging without sharing practical and successful strategies that have proven their effectiveness. The last half of the book is dedicated to helping parents implement new habits and modern ways to become the parent that teens desperately need and urgently want in their life.

Moms and Dads who move into the middle school years with an understanding of what is to come, and what they must make some changes to remain a successful parent will enjoy Mark’s book that carries the same name as his seminars that has been attended by thousands.

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