Tough Guys and Drama Queens Parent’s Guide
Category: Curriculum, Video
A 9-week video course, this jewel of a series is much more than just a video reading of one of Mark’s most successful books. This series is packed with wisdom and gives parents a vision of what they could be in the life of their teens, helping all viewers understand today’s teen culture. Viewers will also discuss why it’s important to give up styles of parenting that come across as demanding perfection, engaging as an authoritarian, and communicating judgment; all styles that are no longer effective in today’s teen culture. He then shares a model of relating that encourages relationships, promotes respect, and engages parents and teens in ways that will last for years to come.
At the end of each of the lessons, Mark shares thought-provoking conversation starters in the form of questions that encourage parenting participation, allowing a small group or neighborhood groups to discuss pertinent issues within their church family or local community.
Designed for use with the DVD-based study, the guide will explore:
- What’s so different about today’s culture
- Why traditional parenting no longer works
- A new model for parenting teens