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Making the Best of the School Year

As the back-to-school season rapidly approaches, your teen might be nervous about returning to the pressures of middle school or high school. So how can you, as a parent, help shift their gaze away from what could go wrong and focus on the positives instead? Mark Gregston is joined by Wayne Shepherd to share advice for parents on how to come alongside their kids and help them make this the best school year yet. Tune in for their insights!   

Need some more encouragement on this topic? Download Mark’s FREE e-book, ‘4 Fears of Parents During the School Year,’ at

Author: Mark Gregston

Mark Gregston began working with teens more than 40 years ago as a youth minister and Young Life director. He has authored nearly two dozen books, has written hundreds of articles, and is host of the nationally-acclaimed Parenting Today’s Teens podcast and radio broadcast.