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Help, I Need Somebody

Remember these lyrics? “Help, I need somebody.  Help, not just any body.  Help, you know I need someone, Help!”  I heard these lyrics for the first time when I was 10 years old.  

This “plea” has become one that I hear now every day from parents, grandparents, and youth ministers across this country seeking help for those teens around them.  Needless to say, it could be the theme song for Parenting Today’s Teens.  Our mission is to help as many people as we can.  I write today requesting your help in fulfilling that mission.

Would you consider helping us organize a Turbulence Ahead event for your city or community?

Because the requests for “Help!” have been so many, and because need is so great, we have decided to have 7 one-week Turbulence Ahead Seminar tours throughout the U.S. this next year, speaking at 6 different venues in different cities each week and focusing on particular sections of the country.  These tours will be in the Northwest, Southwest, Upper Central U.S., Southeast, South Central U.S., Northeast, and the middle states.

These events will be either a one-night speaking opportunity that is divided into three 45-minute segments, a six-hour Saturday event, a Friday & Saturday night event, or a combination of any of these formats.  Our hope is to determine a city that we will be in, and then utilize our e-mail list, publicity, radio contacts, and relationships to make the event a success.  We’d either charge $20 a person to attend, or take a love-offering just to make sure that we cover the expenses of coming to your city.  No one on the tour will benefit financially from the events, including myself.  Our desire is to “Help!” people bring hope and direction to parents.

If you would like to help us put on a Turbulence Ahead event in your city, would you please respond to this e-mail and/or call our guy that coordinates all these events, Sam Sheeley, at 903.668.2173, or e-mail him at

We need a person in each city to help coordinate, arrange, and market the event.  The responsibilities would entail working with us to make sure that as many people know about the event as possible, participating on a committee that would help push the event, and introducing everyone that night of the event.

You can be that lifeline that so many people are desperately searching for.

Most people are writing me saying, “I need your help.”  Now, I’m writing asking for yours.  Let me know what you think and I look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming events, hopefully in your city.

Thankful for your Help,


Author: Mark Gregston

Mark Gregston began working with teens more than 40 years ago as a youth minister and Young Life director. He has authored nearly two dozen books, has written hundreds of articles, and is host of the nationally-acclaimed Parenting Today’s Teens podcast and radio broadcast.